Hi, I’m Lea Sofia
Originally from Hamburg, currently living in Hildesheim and canadian at heart. Two years ago I finished my studies at the design factory international in Hamburg and since then
I've been focusing on concept driven art direction, print design, brand identity and social media for almost two years. In october 2023, I started my Master's degree at the HAWK in Hildesheim.
I work conceptually and base my design ideas on the research I've done, but I also love to work quite intuitively and experimentally on projects that thrive through it. I’m inspired by so many different things surrounding me, but my personal work is mostly related to people and their stories. Especially when photography is a part of the work – my brain kinda works in pictures: If it were up to me, all books could be filled with pictures, I would totally devour them. In addition to photography I also love porridge, pilates and puppies.
Currently my own magazine Real Talk is available at a small publisher, Godewind. Furthermore, Real Talk could be found both in PAGE magazine and DB Mobil.